On September 5th 2020, before most countries in the west were hit by the second wave of coronavirus, an announcement was made by Nadia Fettah ALAOUI, Minister of Tourism, to allow for the gradual reopening of Morocco's borders. At the time of writing, the lockdown has officially been lifted, although certain essential restrictions to social behaviour still apply, as in most other countries. Included in these is a requirement that tourist visitors present, on arrival, a copy of a hotel reservation and a document certifying a negative covid test within the previous 72 hours. They will also need to complete a passenger health form online at . Further information is available at
As far as we are concerned, Les Borjs is unlikely to reopen before mid March but we are currently accepting reservations from April onwards. Anyone wishing to make a booking before then may be interested to know that a zero-cancellation charge policy is being applied.